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SMA Consulting


Unlike the typical business evaluation which is largely theoretical, the SMA builder scorecard is designed to achieve immediate results and improvement in client operational efficiencies. The issues raised and prioritized during the orientation, discovery, and onsite portions of the engagement provide the framework for this improvement.   At the end of this review process the client will have the tools and knowledge to build upon and continue on with their course of improvement, in their own time frame. The engagement proceeds as follows:

  1. Orientation: The Client’s management team participates in a builder orientation teleconference to acquaint the Client with SMA’s philosophies, methodology, and best practice management benchmarks and other metrics around which their improvement program will be based upon.

  2. Engagement Collaboration Website: The Client will be given access to a private, secure, password-protected Dropbox collaboration website which will serve as the collaboration platform for the engagement. The site includes document and photograph libraries, agendas, task lists, and other features that will be used as the engagement progresses.

  3. Document Discovery: SMA requests a package of documents, forms, and reports from the Client for analysis, to be compiled by the Client and either uploaded electronically to the above Drop Box site by the client, or delivered in paper form to our offices for analysis by the SMA team.

  4. Management Team Profiling: SMA conducts up to six (6) scientific personality profiles for the management team. These are used to facilitate communications and foster team-building in subsequent steps. (Additional profiles if requested are available at a small additional fee)

  5. Onsite Visit and Evaluation: An SMA Sr. analyst will conduct an on-site client analysis visit, typically 2.0 – 2.5 days in length. (Agenda will vary by client). The focus of the visit will be staff interviews, examination of workflow/process, the physical office environment, construction sites, and sales offices and model homes.

  6. Preliminary Planning Session: The Onsite visit will conclude with a meeting between the SMA Analyst and Sr. management team to discuss what was uncovered, as well as business and strategic planning issues, with an eye on action for improvement. At this time, SMA will submit an oral Executive Summary of our findings and recommendations from the engagement to date, with prioritized “next steps” suggestions for each. These will become the focus of subsequent follow-up efforts.   The written Executive Summary document will be finalized immediately after the site visit has been completed, and will be uploaded to the Client SharePoint™ collaboration site.

  7. Report and Review: After the site visit is complete, SMA commits its resources to further analyze the client’s situation and make further suggestions for improvement.  If this follow-up option is chosen, SMA will deliver a written report electronically in .PDF format approximately two weeks after the conclusion of the onsite portion of the scorecard, and will schedule a review phone conference after the Client has had approximately one week to review the report.

Contact Info

107 Viaroma Drive
Anderson, SC 29621

(321) 948-8737

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